Passport from Bosnia & Herzegovina
Series V

These passports were used before biometric passports were introduced in Bosnia. They were first issued on 1 April 2001 and lasted until 14 October 2009.
Old passports, which carried the insignia of either the Republika Srpska or the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, expired in November 2002, after which they were replaced with passports from this series. The Consular Official stated that regular citizens of BiH hold "only one type of BiH passport as a valid travel document for the entire country". The new passport has a Bosnian crest visible over the date and place of issue, and the text throughout the document is in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and English.
Passports from this series were not renewable, and applicants have to apply for a new passport every five years for adult and two years for below 18.
Predominant Colour | Cover: Dark-blue Pages: Bluish-gray |
Perforations | Needle perforations at bottom of pages, from page 3 to page 31. |
Watermark | Coat of Arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
Total Pages | 32 |
Dimension | ISO/IEC 7810 or ID-3 or B7 ICAO Standard Passport Booklet Size 88 × 125 mm |
Front Cover |
PASOŠ ПАСОШ PUTOVNICA PASSPORT Golden hot foil stamping. |
Interior of Front Cover | Blank |
1 | Country's name Coat-of-arms Document type Document number. |
2 | Biodata (Laminated) |
3 | Issuing date and authority. |
4 - 28 | Visas |
29 | Observations |
30 | Secondary / accompanying family members. |
31 | Photos of accompanying family members. |
32 | Notes and Regulations. |
Interior of Back Cover |
Passport numbers are no longer prefixed with alphabets and each one use 7 digits.
Because it does not follow the ICAO requirement which uses 9 alphanumerics, the document number has been padded with one < in the MRZ.
The passport numbers are needle-perforated from page 3 to page 31.

The country's code, as well as nationality, were printed as BIH.
0 - 17 | 2 |
18 and above | 5 |
Expired passports were not permitted to be renewed as new document must be issued.
a) "Ovaj pasoš treba čuvati na svaki način i ne smije se mijenjati"; b) "Ovaj pasoš smije upotrebljavati samo lice na čije ime je izdat. Djeca mlađa od 16, godina čija su imena upisana u njega moraju biti u pratnji nosioca"; c) "Ovaj pasoš je važeći ako je potpisan od strane nosioca na mjestu određenom za potpis"; d) "Nosilac ovog pasoša je državljanin Bosne i Hercegovine"; e) "Ovaj pasoš sadrži 32 strane"; a) "Овај пасош треба чувати на сваки начин и не смије ce мијењати"; б) "Овај пасош смије употребљавати само лице на чије име је издат. Дјеца млађа од 16 година чија су имена уписана у њега морају бити у пратњи носиоца"; в) "Овај пасош је важећи ако је потписан од стране носиоца на мјесту одређеном за потпис"; г) "Носилац овог пасоша је држављанин Босне и Херцеговине"; д) "Овај пасош садржи 32 стране"; a) "Ovu putovnicu treba čuvati na svaki način i ne smije se mijenjati"; b) "Ovu putovnicu smije upotrebljavati samo osoba na čije ime je izdata. Djeca mlađa od 16 godina čija su imena upisana u nju moraju biti u pratnji nositelja"; c) "Ova putovnica je važeća ako je potpisana od strane nositelja na mjestu određenom za potpis"; d) "Nositelj ove putovnice je državljanin Bosne i Hercegovine"; e) "Ova putovnica sadrži 32 stranice"; a) "This passport is to be safeguarded and not to be changed in any way"; b) “This passport can be used only by the person in whose name it is issued. Children may travel only with the adult in whose passport their name and photograph has been registered”; c) ”This passport is valid only if signed by the bearer“; d) "The bearer of this passport is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina"; e) ”This passport contains 32 pages"; |