07-01-2017 04:44:27
07-01-2017 06:45:04
Kosovo : UNMIK Travel Document (2005 — 2007)

United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) was established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1244, which was passed on 10 June 1999. In that Resolution, the UN decided to "[deploy] in Kosovo, under United Nations auspices, [an] international civil and security [presence]". The Assembly of Kosovo adopted the declaration of independence on 17 February 2008.

An UNMIK Travel Document was a passport-sized document used to foreign travel for residents of Kosovo, who were not able to obtain a passport fromYugoslavia. The document was issued by the UNMIK from 2000 to 2008. After the government of Kosovo started to issue their own passports, the UNMIK ceased issuing them. Existing documents retained their validity until expiry (the last ones expired in 2010).

The travel document was not a passport as it did not contain information on Nationality and as it was not issued by a sovereign state. The document carried UNMIK travel document / titre de voyage on the cover, contained 32 pages and was valid for 2 years. The document contained a machine readable strip. As the issuing authority was the UNMIK, the document had the official three-letter code UNK where normally the country code is placed. The document was the only other travel document issued by the United Nations besides the United Nations Laissez-Passer, which is mainly issued to employees of the UN and its specialized agencies.

As the status of Kosovo was and remains controversial, the document was not widely accepted. For those countries that did accept it, its non-passport status sometimes restricted its applications. For example, although the US did accept the UNMIK Travel Document, it did not place visa stickers in the document itself, but on a detached sheet.

The holder of this document is a habitual resident of Kosovo and is entitled to return to Kosovo at any time.

Poseduesi i këtij dokumenti është banor i Kosovës dhe ka të drejtë kthimi në Kosovë në çdo kohë.

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This travel document is the property of UNMIK. It may be declared invalid at any time and must be surrendered upon demand if made by an authorized representative of UNMIK.

Ky dokument është pronë e UNMIK-ut. Mund të shpallet i pavlefshëm në çdo kohë dhe duhet të dorëzohet menjëherë nëse përfaqësuesi i autorizuar i UNMIK-ut e kërkon një gjë të tillë.

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