1. A person having the status of a naturalized citizen of the United States, who resides for 2 years in the foreign state from which he came or for 5 years in any other foreign state, becomes subject to the presumption of having ceased to be an American citizen, under the provisions of section 2 of the act of March 2, 1907. When such presumption has arisen against the bearer of a passport, the passport cannot be renewed until the bearer has submitted to the Department of State or to a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States evidence showing that the reason for such foreign residence comes within the rules prescribed by the Secretary of State whereunder such presumption may be overcome.
2. A person to whom a passport has been issued, who uses or attempts to use it in violation of the conditions or restrictions contained therein, may have the protection of the United States withdrawn from him while he continues to reside abroad and may be liable for prosecution under the provisions of section 1544 of title 18, United States Code.
This passport is a valuable document. If it is lost or destroyed, the fact and the circumstances of the loss should be immediately reported to the Passport Division, Department of State, or to the nearest American consulate, or, in an outlying possession of the United States, to the chief executive thereof, and to the local police authorities. New passports in such cases can be issued only after exhaustive inquiry.
This passport must not be altered or mutilated in any manner. No stamps, statements, notations, or other additions should be placed or made in this passport other than by officials of the United States or of foreign countries in connection with official matters. The alteration of the passport may render it INVALID.