1. APPLICATIONS for Passports must be made in the authorized form.
2. The charge for a Passport is 7s. 6d.
3. Passports are granted :—
(1.) To natural-born British subjects.
(2.) To the wives and widows of such persons; and
(3.) To persons naturalized in the United Kingdom, in the British Dominions Or Colonies, or in India.
A married woman is deemed to be a subject of the State of which her husband is for the time being a subject.
4. Passports are granted at HM. Consulates :—
(1.) Upon the production of a Declaration by the applicant in the authorized form, verified by a Declaration made by a Resident British, Merchant, Banker, Minister of Religion, Physician, Surgeon, Barrister or Solicitor.
(2.) In the case of children under the age of 16 years requiring a separate Passport, the Declaration should be made by the child’s parent or guardian.
5. If the applicant for a passport be a Naturalized British subject, the Certificate of Naturalization must be forwarded with the Declaration.
Naturalized British subjects will be described as such in their Passports, which will be issued subject to the necessary qualifications.
6. Passports are not available beyond two years from the date of issue. They may be renewed either at one of H.M. Consulates or at the Foreign Office, London, for four futher periods ? after which fresh Passports must ? for each renewals is 2s.
7. A Passport cannot be ? Office on behalf of a person ? person should apply for one to ? Mission or Consulate. Passports must not be sent out of the United Kingdom by post.
Foreign Office, February 1, 1915.