22-04-2016 01:49:04
05-06-2016 05:09:05
Germany : Certificate of Nationality (1940) Issued During Third Reich / Nazi Germany Period

Deutsches Reich was the official name for the German nation state from 1871 to 1943.

This document was issued during Third Reich (German: Drittes Reich) 1933-1943 and this era was also known as Nazi Germany which later became Greater German Reich (German: Großdeutsches Reich) 1943-1945.

On 22 July 1913 the Nationality Law of the German Empire and States (Reichs- und Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz, shorthand: RuStAG) established a German citizenship, either derived from the citizenship of one of the component states or acquired through the central Reich government.

Under the Third Reich, in 1934, the German nationality law was amended to abolish separate state citizenships and creating a uniform Reich citizenship, with the central Reich authorities having power to grant or withdraw German nationality.

It has been folded twice, vertically and horizontally.

Ostrava is a city in the north-east of the modern day Czech Republic

Original German text,
Deutsches Reich
(Zur Benutzung im Inland)

------------ Heinrich S c h m i d --------------
--------------------------- in Mährisch Ostrau,
geboren am 9. März 1894 in Witkowitz,
besitzt die Deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit (Reichsangehörigkeit) auf Grund der
Verordnung vom 20. April 1939 (Reichs gesetzbl. I S. 815).

Mährisch Ostrau, den 21. Juni 1940.
Der Oberlandrat
Im Auftrage:

(circular handstamp)
Der oberlandrat
In Mähr-Ostrau


Google translation in English,
German Realm
Certificate of Nationality
(To use domestically)

Heinrich Schmid
in Ostrava,
Born on March 9, 1894 in Vítkovice,
has the German nationality (citizenship of the Reich) due to the
Ordinance of 20 April 1939 (Reich Law Gazette I p. 815).

Ostrava, 21 June 1940th
The Oberlandrat
On behalf of:

(circular handstamp)
The Upper landrat
In Mähr Ostrau


Any help for better translation would be much appreciated.