12-01-2017 23:53:18
12-01-2017 23:54:03
Germany : Passport - Type 4 (1940 — 1945) Issued During Third Reich / Period of Nazi Germany

In a good condition, but needed to be handled properly and pages must be opened with less than 90º to avoid cover disintegration.

Staatsangehörigkeit : Deutsches Reich

Es wird hiermit bescheinigt, daß der Inhaber die durch das obenstehende Lichtbild dargestellte Person ist und die darunter befindliche Unterschrift eigenhändig vollzogen hat.

It is hereby certified that the holder is the person represented by the above picture and that the signatures below have been executed by hand.


There are four types of standard passports issued during Deutsches Reich.
Type Description
1 Weimar eagle on the front cover but Nazi eagle and swastika stamps on the inside.
2 In May 1936, the Weimar eagle was replaced with a Hoheitszeichen (eagle and swastika) wedged between the DEUTSCHES REICH and REISEPASS.
3 The Hoheitszeichen had been placed at the top of the front cover and passport number perforated all the way through the front and back covers and the internal 32 pages.
4 Similar to type 3, but passport number printed at the bottom of the front cover and on each subsequent page making it much more difficult to counterfeit.

The internal pages of these passports are all identical and all were issued by the Polizeipräsident (Head of the Police).