04-05-2017 19:31:34
04-05-2017 20:30:44
Spain : Padrón Municipal de Habitantes (Empadronamiento) from Sant Joan de Labritja, Ibiza, Baleares (2015)


Empadronamiento refers to the process of registering with your community’s padrón (city roll), also known as the Padrón Municipal de Habitantes, is a municipal register or census record. Registration with the Padrón Municipal de Habitantes is obligatory for anyone planning to reside in Spain for more than six months per year. Residents may register individually or as a family. To be registered is to be empadronado.

The municipal padrón (town hall registration) is the official record of all the people who live in a particular community and is the official way to verify or accredit your stay in Spain. They use the data they collect to keep track of demographic information and to decide how to allocate resources across regions and municipalities

Registering on the Padrón Municipal ensures that the registrant is considered an official member of the community, and verifies their presence in Spain which is useful in a number of situations.

Foreigners without up to date documents (expired visa, or no passport) are also required to register; no penalties issued, neither are legal residency documents made available. The Certificado de Empadronamiento is entirely separate administrative process from residency applications.

The Certificado de Empadronamiento may be needed for:
  • Apply for a local health insurance card (carnét para la asistencia sanitaria)
  • Applying for the NIE (Numero de Identification de Extranjeros)
  • Applying for residency by way of a general amnesty or arraigo
  • Applying for certain visas
  • Buying or selling vehicle
  • Registering a child in school
  • Getting married
  • Voting


A current dated Certificado de Empadronamiento can be requested from the Ayuntamiento at any time it might be needed. All certificate has an expiry date, either three or six months and maybe different from one municipal to another.

Certificate may be issued for free or a minimal cost.

Ayuntamiento Sant Joan de Labritja charges 1 Euro for each copy and the certificate is valid for 6 months. A handwritten serial number was added as each request will be registered in a book.


Non-European Union nationals who do not hold a permanent residence visa (autorización de residencia permanente) must renew their registration on the Empadronamiento every two years. EU citizens living as permanent residents of Spain should renew registration every five years (as must Spanish nationals who are resident in Spain).

Also, a change in status (birth, marriage, move to a new location) must be reported to the Padrón Municipal.

When moving to another community within Spain: Once you get empadronado in your new community, your old community will automatically be notified on your behalf.

If you are moving outside of Spain: You will need to notify your community that you are moving outside of Spain so they can update their records accordingly.

If you are moving to another address within the same community: You will need to notify your community that you have moved so they can update their records accordingly.

(el) padrón / Padrón Municipal de Habitantes The official municipal record of how many people live in a particular area.
(el) empadronamiento Registration with your municipality / community.
(el) volante de empadronamiento A temporary or informal certificate of your registration as a member of the community.
(el) certificado de empadronamiento The official certificate of your registration as a member of the community.
(la) hoja de empadronamiento The application form neededed to register with a particular municipality.
empadronado (for men)
empadronada (for women)
it’s used as an adjective
Registered with your community.
estar empadronado (for men)
estar empadronada (for women)
To be registered with your community.
(el) ayuntamiento City or town hall.
(la) junta / Junta Municipal de Distrito A city’s neighborhood administrative office. For example, Madrid has 21 neighborhood administrative offices, which among other duties, process empadronamiento applications from neighborhood residents.