11-08-2017 23:21:02
12-08-2017 17:13:01
United Kingdom - British Passport Booklet : Folded Sheet (1915 — 1917 — 1919 — 1921 — 1923)

This passport was issued to a Miss Mary Otten who was residing in Russia by the British Consul in Petrograd, Russian.

Five revenue stamps were used: one (King Edward VII) upon issuance, one (King Edward VII) upon renewal, two (King George V) and one (King George V) for endorsement.

Despite the use of King Edward VII's revenue stamps, the paper has a watermark of King George V's monogram.


On September 1, 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, the Imperial government renamed the city Petrograd, meaning "Peter's City", to remove the German words Sankt and Burg. On January 26, 1924, five days after Lenin's death, Petrograd was renamed Leningrad.


1. APPLICATIONS for Passports must be made in the authorized form.

2. The charge for a Passport is 5s.

3. Passports are granted :—
(1.) To natural-born British subjects.
(2.) To the wives and widows of such persons; and
(3.) To persons naturalized in the United Kingdom, in the British Dominions Or Colonies, or in India.

A married woman is deemed to be a subject of the State of which her husband is for the time being a subject.

4. Passports are granted at H.M. Consulates :—
(1.) Upon the production of a Declaration by the applicant in the authorized form, verified by a Declaration made by a Resident British Merchant, Banker, Minister of Religion, Physician, Surgeon, Barrister or Solicitor.
(2.) In the case of children under the age of 16 years requiring a separate Passport, the Declaration should be made by the child’s parent or guardian.

5. If the applicant for a passport be a Naturalized British subject, the Certificate of Naturalization must be forwarded to the Passport Office with the Declaration.

Naturalized British subjects will be described as such in their Passports, which will be issued subject to the necessary qualifications.

6. Passports are not available beyond two years from the date of issue. They may be renewed either at one of H.M. Consulates or at the Foreign Office, London, for four further periods of two years each, after which fresh Passports must be obtained. The fee for each renewal is 2s.

7. A Passport cannot be issued by the Foreign Office on behalf of a person already abroad; such person should apply for one to the nearest British Mission or Consulate. Passports must not be sent out of the United Kingdom by post.

Foreign Office, February 1, 1915.

By His Britannic Majesty's

Consul at Petrograd, Russia

These are to request and require in the Name of His Majesty all those whom it concern to allow

Miss Mary Otten

to pass freely without let or hindrance, and to afford her every assistance and protection of which she may stand in need.

Given at Petrograd
the 16/29 day of September 1915.

R1 C1 R1 C2 R1 C3 R1 C4 R1 C5
R2 C1 R2 C2 R2 C3 R2 C4 R2 C5
I - Fold horizontally R2 on top of R1.
II - Folded vertically, overlapping C4 againt C3 and C5 against C2
III - Folded vertically, C3 against C2
IV - Close the cover together