14-06-2016 15:49:06
25-08-2019 21:46:43
Malaysia : International Passport — Model H (2010 — 2012) ICAO Biometric ePassport : Variety I — 2-Year Validity


Malaysia was the first country to issue biometric passport back then in 1998. But the data on the chip was on proprietary based which cannot be read at other terminal except the ones in Malaysia or those given access to.

It only started to issue ePassport ICAO standard on 1 February 2010.

However, passports with 2-year validity were issued from 1 October 2009 which cost RM100 but not an ICAO standard. Before, a 32 page passport costs RM300 and a 64 page document RM600. Both are valid for five years.

2-year passport edition is also known as Alternative Malaysian International Passport.

The issue of this version was discontinued when new ICAO-standard passport (Biometric Third Generation, ePassport Second Generation) was first issued to the public on 8 April 2013. While 2-year passport validity ceased to be issued when government lowered the price for normal 5-year passport to RM200 beginning 15 January 2015.

Passports in Malaysia are only meant to be used as travel documents and only issued to nationals. Therefore, it is hardly accepted for other purposes and banks may refuse to accept a valid passport from Malaysians as Identity Cards (MyKAD) are required for identity verification using thumb-print.

Bi-lingual: Malay and English.


Noticeable features that are different from previous issue:

1. Cover showing coat-of-arms of the Federation, emblazoned by "MALAYSIA" on top and "PASPORT PASSPORT" with ICAO ePassport logo at bottom. Golden material embossed using hot foil stamping.

2. On biodata page, the photo was integrated using thermal transfer printing.

3. Passport number was laser perforated but unlike the previous one where each page has same size perforation, this one get smaller towards the back page. From page 3 to page 48.

4. Each page is showing Malaysia iconic landmarks, previously showing coat-of-arms of the Federation.

5. Biodata page was moved from interior side of the front cover to page 2.

6. Barcode on page 3.

7. Passport holder signature was moved from page 32 to page 3.

8. Passport control number is no longer exist.

9. New notice text and with English grammatical errors and the page was moved from interior side of back cover to page 48.


The passport was cancelled by cutting the cover and first page using a scissor.


The top side of all pages seem to have once soaked with water and when the water dried, they leave distinct mark on the paper and faded inks from the immigration stampings.


Page 5 - Indonesia
Page 5 - Malaysia
Page 7 - Vietnam