27-06-2018 15:45:43
27-06-2018 18:22:59
United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland : British Passport (1996 — 2006) European Community Issued by United Kingdom Passport Agency


In July 1988, changes were made to ease the introduction of machine-readable passports later in the year. Joint passports were no longer issued and the descriptions of distinguishing features and height were removed. The old blue style started to be replaced by the burgundy passport from August, although some offices issued the remaining stock of blue passports until as late as 1993.

On 15 August 1988, the Glasgow passport office became the first to issue burgundy-coloured machine-readable passports. They followed a common format agreed amongst member states of the European Community, and had the words European Community on the cover. The passport has 32 pages; a 48-page version is available with more space for stamps and visas. There are two lines of machine-readable text printed in a format agreed amongst members of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, and a section in which relevant terms ("surname", "date of issue", etc.) are translated into the official EU languages. Passports issued overseas did not all have a Machine Readable Zone but these was introduced gradually as appropriate equipment was made available overseas.


GBR - British Citizen (normal UK Passport)
GBD - British Overseas Territories Citizens
GBO - British Overseas Citizens
GBS - British Subjects
GBP - British Protected Persons
GBN - British National Overseas

Her Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Requests and requires in the Name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.

Bemærkninger - Hinweise - Σημει?σεις - Observaciones
Avis - Nótaí - Avviso - Opmerkingen - Anotações

1 Validity A passport is valid for ten years, unless otherwise stated. If issued to a child under sixteen years of age it is normally valid for five years in the first instance but may he extended for a further five years without further charge. A passport which is ten years old or has no further space for visas must be replaced by a new one.

2 Citizenship and National Status British citizens have the right of abode in the United Kingdom. No right of abode in the United Kingdom derives from the status, as British nationals, of British Dependent Territories citizens, British Nationals (Overseas), British Overseas citizens, British protected persons and British subjects.

3 Immigration and Visa Requirements The possession of a passport does not exempt the holder from compliance with any immigration regulations in force in any territory or from the necessity of obtaining a visa or permit where required. lt should be noted in this connection that the majority of British territories overseas have immigration restrictions applicable to British nationals as well as aliens.

4 Children Children who have reached the age of sixteen years require separate passports.

5 Registration Overseas British nationals resident overseas who are entitled to the protection of the United Kingdom authorities should contact the nearest British High Commission, Embassy or Consulate to enquire about any arrangements for registration of their names and addresses. Failure to do so may in an emergency result in difficulty or delay in according them assistance and protection.

6 Dual Nationality British nationals who are also nationals of another country cannot be protected by Her Majesty's Representatives against the authorities of that country. If, under the law of that country, they are liable for any obligation (such as military service), the fact that they are British nationals does not exempt them from it. A person having some connection with a Commonwealth or foreign country (eg by birth, by descent through either parent, by marriage or by residence) may be a national of that country, in addition to being a British national. Acquisition of British nationality or citizenship by a foreigner does not necessarily cause the loss of nationality of origin.

7 Caution This passport remains the property of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and may be withdrawn at any time. It should not be tampered with or passed to an unauthorised person. Any case of loss or destruction should be immediately reported to the local police and to the nearest British passport issuing authority (eg Passpon Office. London; British Consulate; British High Commission or Colonial authority); only after exhaustive enquiries can a replacement be issued in such circumstances. The passport of a deceased person should be submitted for cancellation to the nearest such passport authority; it will be returned on request.